Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


After our nap, we got a cab from the hotel to the Airport and boarded our flight to Milan. I was a bit worried at security as I had a backpack full of electronics. Laptop, mp3 player, camera, video camera and miles of cables that I was sure would get me pulled out of line and searched like my name was Osama, but all went well. The security woman actually commented how cool my laptop looked with all the fake bullet hole stickers on it!?
I would tell you more about the flight, but Mr. Xanax made all those thoughts fade away. One of the flight attendants seemed a bit worried when I asked for a Coke to wash down my pills saying I shouldn't take them with caffeine. I just smiled and told her all would be fine.
When we arrived in Milan, we were greeted by a giant Lego statue of that guy from Harry Potter. Italians really know their art.

The Midnight Groper

The Lego Harry Potter statue.

Bubba in Milan


NYC Pizza

We are back! Things didn't go exactly as planned on the live updates from Amsterdam so we will have to retell the story here after the fact.
When we last left you, we were on our way out the door and had made it to Newark to board our flight. We got to Newark at about 11 am but our flight wasn't until 11 pm. My brother Static works at a hotel so he called one of the local hotels and got us a $25 room so we could crash for a few hours before our flight. That meant we had a chance to sample a real NYC pizza.
After a shower and a very short nap, we were off to the airport to catch our flight to
Milan then on to Amsterdam

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

The view from our room in Newark

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Enter The Groper

Whazzz Up?

I'm a Joker, I'm a Toker, I'm The Midnight Groper....and I don't wanna hurt no onnnnnne.
I'm also the Amsterdam newbie, the amature horticulturist, and the one that is convinced that the NSA is watching us due to the imminent arrival of the apocalypse. If you're lucky and I'm alerted then maybe one day I'll tell you about the should be here between 2018 and 2048. I probably won't post as much as Bubba....I'm more in the administrative side of the guide....I am in the DVD though.....I'm the Third Stone...I'm also the one with the 8 inch Goatee...pretty easy to spot....

So I have this friend.....A very talented friend....A friend with a NEON green Thumb.... What do the readers think about a weekly or bi-weekly article on specialized gardening? Let us know what you think about that and I'll try and convince him to do it.....He's pretty paranoid....and has every right to be....he might shoot this idea down crazy fast.....but we'll see. Some encouragement here for the idea would probably go a long way.

So that's it from me today kind reader...We'll catch you on the flip-side.
Peace Out,
--The Groper

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The bags are packed...

and almost in the trunk of the rental car. Here we go!

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A few thanks.

First of all we would like to thank our families. If it werent for them, this would have not been possible.
There has also been some kind people who have either donated money or services and we would like to thank them all.

BeaverBong NSFW- Helped with us with some cash.

Amsterdam House- Who gave us an outstanding rate on an apartment.

cmesin- An AWESOME friend who also donated cash in the most desperate hour. Go visit him at Beerfarts NSFW.

Muatai4Life- Great dude who runs our local gas station and donated some cartons of smokes.

Thank you one and all, and if I forgot you, sorry, I am stoned.

And so it Begins.

I am sitting here with packed bags around my bed a mere 12 hours until our journey begins.
The gear has all been charged up and the gadgets are packed. At 4pm, I am going to the airport and picking up our rental car, then it is off to New Jersey.
There are two other people going who have yet to make an appearance here on TSGTA, but don't worry, you get to meet them soon.
Update in 12 hours with some pictures as we start off our adventure.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

1 Day

Tomorrow we start our journey. Our bags are almost packed and we pick up the rental car tomorrow afternoon for the 10 hour drive to New Jersey. Then on to Amsterdam. I am so freaking excited!