Thursday, January 04, 2007

Enter The Groper

Whazzz Up?

I'm a Joker, I'm a Toker, I'm The Midnight Groper....and I don't wanna hurt no onnnnnne.
I'm also the Amsterdam newbie, the amature horticulturist, and the one that is convinced that the NSA is watching us due to the imminent arrival of the apocalypse. If you're lucky and I'm alerted then maybe one day I'll tell you about the should be here between 2018 and 2048. I probably won't post as much as Bubba....I'm more in the administrative side of the guide....I am in the DVD though.....I'm the Third Stone...I'm also the one with the 8 inch Goatee...pretty easy to spot....

So I have this friend.....A very talented friend....A friend with a NEON green Thumb.... What do the readers think about a weekly or bi-weekly article on specialized gardening? Let us know what you think about that and I'll try and convince him to do it.....He's pretty paranoid....and has every right to be....he might shoot this idea down crazy fast.....but we'll see. Some encouragement here for the idea would probably go a long way.

So that's it from me today kind reader...We'll catch you on the flip-side.
Peace Out,
--The Groper

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